Anna Emma Elisabeth Gunnarsson

19 November

Kategori: Grimslövs fhsk

Idag fick vi på vår engelskalektion en liten bok som handlar om oss svenskar och den är verkligen jätterolig att läsa så jag tänkte att jag skulle dela med mig lite av vad som står i den!
Invited to dinner:
"The person sitting next to you at the dinner table will offer you a lump of butter on a wooden knife. It is not some ancient superstitious Viking ritual whereby the knife has to be passed once round the table. It´s quite simply the height of politeness to offer your neighbour some butter on a knife. What you do if there´s not enough butter on the knife or if there is some left over, goodness knows. But there´s no need to pass it on to the next person as he´s busy handing butter to someone else."
"Hej"- the word for hello and good-bye is the same. It´s difficult to know whether people are coming or going.
"Gift"- the word for married is the same word as for poison. This probably explain the high divorce rate.
"Oväder"- the word for stormy weatheris, literally translated, "unweather". And I would have thought it was very much weather.


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